
By car
By car

There are several free Autoroutes and 4 lane roads for getting round Île-de-France, however on weekdays there is a lot of congestion between the hours 8 - 9:30 AM and 17:30 - 19:30 PM, and it is really not advisable to travel then. This congestion becomes a lot less worse the further away from Paris you are.

Le boulevard périphérique
a road ring which marks the limit of "Paris will intra muros". This is essentially a motorway as there are no roundabouts or intersections, however it is famous for its obstructions. Be careful though, as the cars entering onto the road from the right have priority.
direction Rouen Western Autoroute
direction Lyon Southern Autoroute
direction Lyon South eastern Autoroute
Very useful road that nearly completely circles Paris. The recently opened tunnel between Rueil-Malmaison and Versailles is tolled fairly expensive and is open to cars only trucks and motorcycles prohibited.
Toll road, fairly expensive.
La Francilienne. A half circular road around the eastern side of Paris. As it is further out than the A86, there is considerably less congestion.
Connect western Paris to A10 and N104.
By train
By train

A network of regional trains RER takes you in and out of Paris. The RER has 256 stops in and around Paris, and runs on over 587 km 365 mi of track. There are 5 lines, A, B, C, D and E that cross Paris, connecting suburbs on opposite sides. The stations are marked with blue signs with a white RER. There is also a separate network of trains Transilien that depart from the main train stations Lyon, Est, Nord, St-Lazare, Montparnasse and La Défense.

It is usually cheaper to purchase a daily ticket than a return ticket for most journeys, but check when purchasing.

Trains run from 4.45 a.m. to 1.30 a.m. Smoking is not allowed in the stations or on the trains.

By bike
By bike

There are many cycle lanes on routes into Paris, but be careful as you also share the road with motorbikes and cars which can be inconsiderate.